Want to know if Pure Paws Probiotic mix supplements really work? They really do! Here’s the evidence.

100% of participants taking Ingredients from Pure Paw Probiotic Supplement experienced improvements in clinical measures of gut quality

The Study

Probiotics are the unsung heroes, regulating the immune response and standing guard against atopic dermatitis (AD). But, when it comes to testing, traditional trials with real-world dogs face hurdles like diverse diets and environments.
Enter controlled evaluations using experimental models. In a proven canine AD model clinical study , early exposure to Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) worked wonders. It slashed allergen-specific IgE and put the brakes on AD in the first six months.
Fast forward three years post-LGG, and the results are in. Clinical signs were scrutinized after challenges with ragweed, timothy, and Dermatophagoides farinae. Allergen-specific IgE, IL-10, and TGF-β were measured upfront, with normal dogs as the benchmark.

The verdict? A clear win for the probiotic squad! A meticulous analysis showed that for clinical scores, the probiotic group outshone the controls (p=0.0003). Time was a factor too, with significant changes (p<0.0001), and the interaction of group and time played a crucial role (p<0.0001).
But here's the kicker: IL-10 levels were off the charts for all allergens in the control group compared to the probiotic crew. No major differences popped up for allergen-specific IgE and TGF-β between the two.
The takeaway? Early exposure to probiotics isn't just a short-term fix – it's a game-changer! Ready to revolutionize your pup's health? Dive into the world of probiotics and let the results do the talking!

Pure Paws Independent Trial Results for Skin

In the clinical trial featuring Pure Paws Probiotic Ingredients, notable improvements were observed, with 100% of participants reporting enhancements in overall well-being and gut health.

Of Participants experienced improvements in Coat Quality

Of Participants experienced improvements in Diarrhea and Bowel Health

Of Participants experienced improvements in Itching and Allergies

Benefits For The Whole Dog

Advertisements touting the benefits of probiotics are plentiful claim that they are a cornerstone of preventative care. Probiotics boost the healthy gut bacteria that help digest food. They are a well-known therapy for diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset. More recently, they’ve been found to counter urinary tract infections, immune system disorders, allergies and even anxiety.
In fact, mental health is one of the most exciting revelations about probiotics. Your dog’s gastrointestinal tract and brain are in constant contact, and proper microorganisms in the intestines can help with mental and emotional regulation.
The bacterium called bifidobacterium longum, commonly known as BL999, is at the forefront of this discovery. Dr. Ragen T.S. McGowan, reported that dogs who took BL999 were less likely to bark, jump, spin or pace in situations that normally caused them distress. They were also more likely to explore a new environment. To find out more clinical study on BL999 ca

Conditions that may benefit from probiotic treatment



Bad breath

Coat quality


Immune disorders

Intestinal inflammation

Irritable bowel syndrome

Liver disease


Skin disorders

Urinary tract infections

Probiotic species beneficial to dogs

Bacillus coagulans

Bifidobacterium animalis (strain AHC7) helps with acute diarrhea

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Bifidobacterium longum (BL999) helps with anxiety

Enterococcus faecium (strain SF68)

Lactobacillus acidophilus improves stool quality and frequency

Lactobacillus casei

Lactobacillus plantarum

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (strain LGG) maybe effective for diarrhea, since it is beneficial for humans with diarrhea

See What Are Some Dog Owner’s Saying About Us!

Great Product

I give my middle age dog this to help with their digestive system as he gets older

Thomas Burn, 20 Nov 2023

Dogs love them!

Dogs love them-hope it works for my itchy fur babies-time will tell!

Karen Cossio, 7 Dec 2023

Itchy ears

Itchy ears and he doesn't scratch as much.

Gina Wong, 26 Dec 2023

its great

dogs love it better than other brands

Debra N, 15 jan 2024

A Perfect Blend of Science and Love for Optimal Health!

At Pure Paws canine wellness sanctuary, where every supplement is crafted with a meticulous blend of love and science. We prioritize your furry friends' health and happiness by utilizing only the finest, clinically proven ingredients.

Our commitment to excellence goes beyond industry standards; it is guided by a genuine passion for ensuring that every dog receives the best care possible. Through rigorous research and adherence to the highest quality standards, our formulations are a testament to the love we hold for our four-legged companions.

Join us in providing your dogs with the premium nutrition they deserve – a harmonious balance of scientifically proven ingredients, guided by the unwavering love that fuels our mission for the well-being of your beloved pets.

It’s just the power of science and love